知青问题国际研讨会 作者:阿陀

一代人的命運 • 一個國家的命運


International Conference
    “Fate of a Generation, Fate of a Country:
    History and Memory of China’s Down to the Countryside Movement”


Can one understand today’s China without knowing the causes, course and impacts of the Down to the Countryside Movement?




The Down to the Countryside Movement is a significant historical episode during the Mao era in which urban youths were sent en masse to rural areas, a movement whose consequences and impact can still be felt in today’s China. At the beginning, the objective was to allow urban youths to receive “re-education” from peasants in order to groom them as a new generation of peasants. Political movements with such radical objectives raise questions concerning universal values, in particular with regard to the limits of political power as well as the ability of individuals and social groups to adapt and resist.
    China’s rusticated youths, or zhiqing, are less widely known and understood in the West than the Red Guards. Nonetheless, the experiences of zhiqing have had a profound impact in the long term. The exceptionality of this generation of zhiqing (those around 60 years old today) continues to play out. For instance, like war veterans in the West, they organize memorial activities. However, they have found it difficult to achieve a common narrative for their personal experiences as they lack objective historical knowledge of a period which the state has to this day labeled as sensitive.
    The present time appears to be a felicitous moment to evaluate the Movement, its causes and its influences particularly on the zhiqing generation, as these will continue to determine China’s fate as they had in the past. The objective of this Conference is not only to provide a historical assessment, but also to show that this historical episode is indeed still playing out, taking the multifarious forms of literature, films and the arts, cultural and charitable activities organized by old zhiqing, as well as commercial activities.




Conference schedule

2012年12月6日/ 6 December 2012

8:30:報到 / Registration

9:00:9:30 – 10:45


Topic 1: Reasons for launching and ending the Down to the Countryside Movement

9:30-9:50 譚世通 Tan Shitong : 上山下鄉運動之原因探討

9:50-10:10 徐友漁 Xu Youyu: 上山下鄉運動原因探討

10:10-10:30 潘鳴嘯 Michel Bonnin: 推動及放棄上山下鄉運動-依據統計數字

10:45 – 11:00: 茶點 / Tea break

11:00 – 12:30


Topic 2: The long neglected pre-Cultural Revolution educated youth movement

11:00-11:20 陳意新 Chen Yixin: “老知青”和安徽祁門縣的農村文革

11:20-11:40 鄧鵬 Deng Peng: 毛澤東時代的政治歧視和老知青的關係

11:40-12:00 劉小萌 Liu Xiaomeng: 文革前知青與階級歧視

12 :30 – 14 :30 : 午餐 / Lunch

14:30 – 16:00


Topic 3A: Experiences of educated youths and their impacts on this generation - Problems of lost educational opportunities

14:30-14:50 林升寶 Lin Shengbao: “文革”時期上海知青業餘函授教育述論

14:50-15:10 印紅標 Yin Hongbiao: 知青的讀書學習活動與文革後的命運

15:10-15:30 林淺寒 Lin Qianhan: The Consequences of Being Rusticated: Life and Social Attitude and Review of the Past

16 :00 – 16 :20 : 茶點 / Tea

16:20 – 18:00


Topic 3B: Experiences of educated youths and their impacts on this generation – Intellectual and Psychological Impact

16:20-16:40 秦暉 Qin Hui: 知青運動中的理想主義和現實主義

16:40-17:00 金雁 Jin Yan: 在隴西的日子

17:00-17:20 丁東 Ding Dong: 底層經歷對知青一代影響

17:20-17:40 孫佳雯 Sun Jiawen: 訴說“苦痛”——前大興安嶺林場知青口述史的社會學研究

2012年12月7日 / 7 December 2012

9 :00 – 10 :30


Topic 4: Role of Hong Kong in the Movement: a place for voluntary exile, learning, observing the Movement’s development, and accumulating memories

9:00-9:20 金虹 Jin Hong /黃東漢 Huang Donghan: 知青偷渡調查

9:20-9:40 李旦明 Li Danming: ‘’老三屆‘’人生軌跡的頓挫——廣州鐵中1968年東莞三公社下鄉知青調查

9:40-10:00 譚加洛 Tan Jialuo: 驚心動魄的南中國海知青偷渡潮——培英中學老三屆偷渡調查

10:00-10:10 : 潘鳴嘯 Michel Bonnin : 從香港的位置上觀察、學習知青的經歷

10:30 茶點 / Tea

10:45 – 12:00

專題5: 上山下鄉運動的豐富回憶 - A: 不同種類的社團組織及其活動

Topic 5A: Rich memories of the Movement – Different associations and their activities

10:45-11:05 馬雅諾 Olivier Marichalar : Federating the memory of the movement : the emergence of the Shanghai field of former educated youth

11:05-11:25 駱少偉 Luo Shaowei /羅鈞 Lo Kwan: 香港知青成立社團及活動狀況

11:25-11:45 邱新睦 Qiu Xinmu : 美國洛杉磯“南加州中國知青協會”文化活動簡介

12:00 – 13:30: 午餐 / Lunch

13:30 – 15:00

專題5: 上山下鄉運動的豐富回憶 - B:思想衝突,不同記憶的博弈

Topic 5B: Rich memories of the Movement – Ideological conflicts, contests between different memories

13:30-13:50 潘以紅 Pan Yihong: The Power of the Zhiqing Identity in Historical Perspective

13:50-14:10 蘇娜 Nora Sausmikat : Twisted memories: Coping strategies of a politicized generation.

14:10-14:30 劉亞秋 Liu Yaqiu : 知青主流記憶及其反記憶--以《知青》電視劇的網絡民族志為例

14:30-14:45 金光耀 Jin Guangyao : 應將知青與上山下鄉運動區分開來分析評價

15:00 - 15:15:茶點 / Tea



Theme 6: Movement as reflected in literature and art

15:15-15:35 梁麗芳 Leung Laifong : 知青文學的一個盲點:論紅衛兵記憶的處理

15:35-15:55 黎服兵 Li Fubing: 知青與文學--一個老知青和編輯的觀點

15:55-16:15 王力堅 Wang Lijian: 眾眼看知青——上山下鄉運動的多向度觀照

16:15-16:35 吳迪 Wu       Di: 銀幕中的上山下鄉運動——淺談知青電影中的理想主義

16:35-16:55 楊健 Yang Jian: 21世紀初10年的知青文學和文化思潮




Discussion: Significance of the Movement in Contemporary Chinese History

Chair: Michel Bonnin

18:30 End of the conference

